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Phone Store Landing Spage

  • Web Development
  • Prototype
  • 15 June 2023
  • 21 August 2023
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Build, streamline and evolve together with solution

Our redesign focuses on improving the experience and making it more seamless when it comes to showcasing the product and its features.

  • + Brand Development
  • + UX/UI Design
  • + Front-end Development
  • + Copywriting
  • + Shopify Development
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Visual and typograpy hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the principle of arranging elements to show their order of importance. Designers structure visual characteristics—e.g., menu icons—so users can understand information easily. By laying out elements logically and strategically, designers influence users’ perceptions and guide them to desired actions. Users notice larger elements more easily can convert.

Font Style
  • Regular This Is Text Message
  • Medium Medium Typography
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For those of us who are blessed with good sight. So we seldom consider it. That’s why going off to investigate the whys and hows involved is a little like trying to get behind the wind